Written by BKS’ Chief Editor, Britt Lynn
Hello, everyone! Well, winter is “officially” over; although I realize in some areas of the country, it may still be a little chilly, to say the least. In my southern neck of the woods, we had one major snowstorm that left us paralyzed for about a week, however, we had some fun sledding and it was the first time that Beau, my toddler, had the opportunity to see snow and to play in it. I just love making sweet memories with my family, don’t you?

Let me say a big and hardy “HAPPY SPRING” to all! I sure hope that everyone has weathered the winter elements fairly well and without harm. I hope this spring has you rejuvenated and excited as the Forsythia and Buttercups begin to bloom. After the past year, we could all use it, right?
Along with the warmer temperatures of spring, I look forward to seeing the butterflies and enjoy feeding the hummingbirds. I dabble in flower gardening and just enjoy getting out with the kids and dogs on pretty days. (If you missed my last blog, I introduced our furry family friends… Check it out here!)
Speaking of butterflies, I want to tell you about the most amazing “nature” experiment we did last summer. This is a great time for you to think about getting your Insect Lore Butterfly Growing Kit home. Let me just say… you AND your kids will love this so much!
In this kit, you get the pop-up habitat, a chrysalis holding log, and food for your new babies. Your kit will also come with a voucher so you can get your five free tiny caterpillars sent directly to you. (A shipping fee of $7.95 will apply – but it’s so worth it!)
We all really enjoyed watching the metamorphosis – from baby caterpillars to full-grown butterflies. This experiment was particularly exciting for my daughter, Claire, age nine, who is enamored with butterflies anyway.

We had 100% success with all of our winged friends, as all five turned into beautiful butterflies. (Please note that this is a spring/summertime activity – because when you release them, it must be warm outside.)
I want to share a couple of pictures with you:

I didn’t include pictures of the “in-between formation” because, well, you just need to experience it for yourself. Nature is truly amazing. I love this quote because it makes me think of OUR butterflies!
“In springtime, love is carried on the breeze. Watch out for flying passion and kisses whizzing by your head.”
Emma Racine deFleur
In addition, I have compiled a list of other STEM-related activities that are sure to keep your kiddos entertained this spring, all while learning valuable lessons (without them even knowing it). And, if your young ones are interested in flower gardening, check out this fun inside activity for “growing” a garden. The GILI Flower Garden Building Toy is a perfect activity for rainy days when it’s just too muddy to get outside to plant some seeds. Madison, my bonus daughter, loves hers!
Spring has sprung around here and we are so refreshed. Do I have spring fever? You better believe it! With Easter around the corner, I hope it brings you a sense of renewal full of good health, happiness, and high spirits. Take some time to get out and enjoy it with your family!
Blessings to All,
Britt Lynn